Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Day 2: Travel

First off, some corrections/additions to the Day 1: Atlanta blog. The odometer at the end of Day 1 was 16,795. Also, we forgot to mention that the game in Atlanta was Disco Night, so that created some interesting costumes in the crowd. We would also like to again thank the Stazaks for the complimentary tickets and the Gillis for providing housing in Atlanta.

We left Atlanta at 6:08am, in hopes of getting to St. Louis in time to hit some tennis balls and relax for the afternoon. Ben won the set 7-5, so starts off with a 1-0 lead in that department of the trip. We also managed to throw the baseball around some, and Ben's curve ball is coming into form, I'm still working on mine, but my "heater" is feeling pretty good.

Then we had dinner at the Pauluhn's, and we were graced with the presence of my former doubles partner, and successful St. Louis businessman, Kevin Lackey. Dinner was excellent, with pork steaks, salad, potatoes, and brownies for dessert.

The 8 hour drive to St. Louis was relatively uneventful, despite getting off to a somewhat rocky start. I woke up with some stomach problems, so we picked up some Pepto Bismol at the gas station. Hopefully some Pepto corporate executives get a chance to read the blog, because they need to make some serious design changes to their travel sized packets. I honestly could not open the packet for a solid 5 minutes, despite the help of nail clippers. Also, the amount of casino advertisements throughout Tennessee, Kentucky, and Illinois were impressive, but one took 1st prize without question. Casino Aztar advertised on a regular basis for over 100 miles, letting everyone know they were the place for gaming in Evanston, IL.

Here are the statistical updates:
1-end of day odometer: 17,379
2-miles traveled today: 614
3-miles traveled total: 736
4-states traveled in today: Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hellp Scott..Sounds like your enjoying your trip so far...Here's a question Jackie and I have....What are you and Ben going to do in case of a rainout???

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that in your heading on the homepage, you spelled "Stadiums" as "Standiums"....Ok check ya later

10:54 PM  

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